Sizzle reel for Madame Tussauds made for the announcement of Troye Sivan’s Wax Figure during Mardi Gras (Austrailia’s Gay Pride Festival).

Official Selection Palm Springs LGBT Film Festival 2019

A documentary about long term gay male bear couples. The film explores what it's like for two men in long term relationships, something that has rarely been documented.

Official Selection Santa Barbara OUTrageous Film Festival 2014 CineSlam Vermont 2015 Pride of the Ocean 2015 "OFFICIAL SELECTION" "OUTFEST LOS ANGELES LGBT FILM FESTIVAL" "2014"

Electioneering and Election Night excitement in Washington, DC.
The Young Invincibles team embarked on a 21 state bus tour to ask young america about their issues. I was fortunate enough to be asked to join them and film.